Ingénieur d’étude


Dynamique Membranaire & Virus (MDV)


After a 3 years degree in biology and biochemistry, Willy joined the Institut Mines Télécom Alès engineering school, where he studied Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering. On his last year of engineering school, he went for a double degree with the University of Montpellier on ‘Engineering for Health Devices’ (Ingénierie des Dispositifs pour la santé). To validate his degree, he went in Dr.Ganesh Gowrishankar’s team, IDH, from the LIRMM for a 5 months internship, where he worked in collaboration with Dr.Raphaël Gaudin on the electrical activity of brain organoids. After the internship, Willy integrated Raphaël Gaudin’s team, MDV, as a study engineer to pursue his works on artificial intelligence and software engineering for biological data analysis.


Email : willy.lutz(AT)

Tel : (+33) 04 34 35 94 77