– Serrato-Pomar I, Zoladek J, Medkour H, Narpon Q, Rey-Cadilhac F, Rossi S, French S, Modahl C, Sornjai W, Miot E, Hamel Rn Medianikov O, Missé D, Nisole S, Pompon J. Multiple flaviviruses secrete a viral non-coding RNA in mosquito salivary vesicles to enhance saliva infectivity by reducing early IFN response. BioRxiv. 2025.01.21.634113.
– Zoladek J, Caval V, Paillart JC, Decroly E, Nisole S. How Usutu virus resists ISG20-mediated restriction. Med Sci. 2024, 40(12):973-975.
– Bekaddour N, Smith N, Caspar B, Grinberg S, Giorgiutti S, Rodeschini V, Dupuy S, Leboulanger N, Duffy D, Soulas-Sprauel P, Gies V, Korganow AS, Nisole S, Herbeuval JP. The histamine analogue clobenpropit modulates IRF7 phosphorylation and interferon production by targeting CXCR4 in systemic lupus erythematosus models. Front. Immunol. 2024, 15:1490593.
– Zoladek J, El Kazzi P, Caval V, Vivet-Boudou V, Cannac M, Davies EL, Rossi S, Bribes I, Rouilly L, Simonin Y, Jouvenet N, Decroly E, Paillart JC, Wilson SJ, Nisole S. A specific domain within the 3′ untranslated region of Usutu virus confers resistance to the exonuclease ISG20. Nat Commun. 2024, 2;15(1):8528.
– Boulay A, Quevarec E, Malet I, Nicastro G, Chamontin C, Perrin S, Henriquet C, Pugnière M, Courgnaud V, Blaise M, Marcelin AG, Taylor IA, Chaloin L, Arhel NJ. A new class of capsid-targeting inhibitors that specifically block HIV-1 nuclear import. EMBO Mol Med. 2024, 16(11):2918-45.
– Quellec J, Piro-Megy C, Cannac M, Nisole S, Marty FH, Gosselet F, Shimizu F, Kanda T, Cêtre-Sossah C, Salinas S. Rift Valley fever virus is able to cross the human blood-brain barrier in vitro by direct infection with no deleterious effects. J Virol. 2024.
– Nisole S. 2024: The Olympic Games go viral. Virologie. 2024, 28 (5):301-303.
– Cannac M, Nisole S. TRIMming down Flavivirus Infections. Viruses. 2024, 16(8):1262.
– Medkour H, Pruvost L, Gong X, Vaissayre V, Boutinaud P, Revel J, Hitakarun A, Sornjai W, Zoladek J, Smith DR, Nisole S, Nolte-t Hoen E, Bertrand-Michel J, Missé D, Marti G, Pompon J. Sphingomyelins in mosquito saliva modify the host lipidome to enhance transmission of flaviviruses by promoting viral protein levels. BioRxiv. 2024.06.14.599058.
– Decombe A, El Kazzi P, Nisole S, Decroly E. How do 2′-O-methylations within Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV-1) genome regulate its replication? Med Sci. 2024, 40(5):421-427.
– Decombe A, Peersen O, Sutto-Ortiz P, Chamontin C, Piorkowski G, Canard B, Nisole S, Decroly E. Internal RNA 2′-O-methylation on the HIV-1 genome impairs reverse transcription. Nucleic Acids Res. 2024, 52(3):1359-1373.
– Vouillon A, Barthelemy J, Lebeau L, Nisole S, Savini G, Lévêque N, Simonin Y, Garcia M, Bodet C. Skin tropism during Usutu virus and West Nile virus infection: an amplifying and immunological role. J Virol. 2024, 98(1):e0183023.
– Gouy B, Decorsière A, Desgraupes S, Duan W, Ouyang H, Wang YE, Yeh EA, Palazzo AF, Moraes TJ, Nisole S, Arhel NJ. Rapid and inexpensive bedside diagnosis of RAN binding protein 2-associated acute necrotizing encephalopathy. Front. Neurol. 2023, 14:1282059.
– Zoladek J and Nisole S. Mosquito-borne flaviviruses and type I interferon: catch me if you can! Front. Microbiol. 2023, 14:1257024.
– Arhel NJ, Field MC. Biomedical implications of nuclear transport. FEBS Lett. 2023, 597(20):2499-2500.
– Desgraupes S, Etienne L, Arhel NJ. RANBP2 evolution and human disease. FEBS Lett. 2023, 597(20):2519-2533.
– Bekaddour N, Smith N, Beitz B, Llibre A, Dott T, Baudry A, Korganow AS, Nisole S, Mouy R, Breton S, Bader-meunier B, Duffy D, Terrier B, Schneider B, Quartier P, Rodero MP, Herbeuval JP. Targeting the chemokine receptor CXCR4 with histamine analog to reduce inflammation in juvenile arthritis. Front. Immunol. 2023, 14:1178172.
– Nisole S, Gilmer D. Prix Renaud-Mahieux – XXVes JFV. Virologie. 2023, 27(3):203.
– Zoladek J, Cannac M, Cartron M, Léocadie T, Wilson SJ, Nisole S. Identification de facteurs cellulaires interférant avec la réplication des virus West Nile et Usutu. Virologie. 2023, 27(3):204-205.
– Boulay A, Trabanelli S, Boireau S, Boyer-Clavel M, Nisole S, Romero P, Jandus C, Beignon AS, Arhel NJ. Assessing the Impact of Persistent HIV Infection on Innate Lymphoid Cells Using In Vitro Models. Immunohorizons. 2023, 7(3):243-255.
– El Kazzi P, Rabah N, Chamontin C, Poulain L, Ferron F, Debart F, Canard B, Missé D, Coutard B, Nisole S, Decroly E. Internal RNA 2’O-methylation in the HIV-1 genome counteracts ISG20 nuclease-mediated antiviral effect. Nucleic Acids Research, 2023, 51(6):2501-2515.
– Constant O, Maarifi G, Barthelemy J, Martin MF, Tinto B, Savini G, Van de Perre P, Nisole S, Simonin Y, Salinas S. Differential effects of Usutu and West Nile viruses on neuroinflammation, immune cell recruitment and blood brain barrier integrity. Emerg Microbes Infect. 2023, 12(1):2156815.
– Vitour D, Nisole S, Lévêque N, Saulnier A, Tordo N, Gatignol A, Gilmer D. Une année dans Virologie : des virus persistent, d’autres émergent. Virologie. 2022, 26(6):405-408.
– Pompon J, Nisole S. Comment les flavivirus nous assaisonnent pour appâter les moustiques. Virologie. 2022, 26(4):315-317.
– Maarifi G, Martin MF, Zebboudj A, Boulay A, Nouaux P, Fernandez J, Lagisquet J, Garcin D, Gaudin R, Arhel NJ#, Nisole S#. Identifying enhancers of innate immune signaling as broad-spectrum antivirals active against emerging viruses. Cell Chem Biol. 2022, 29(7):1113-1125.
– Mac Kain A*, Maarifi G*, Aicher SM, Arhel NJ, Baidaliuk A, Munier S, Donati F, Vallet T, Tran QD, Hardy A, Chazal M, Porrot F, OhAinle M, Carlson-Stevermer J, Oki J, Holden K, Zimmer G, Simon-Lorière E, Bruel T, Schwartz O, van der Werf S, Jouvenet N#, Nisole S#, Vignuzzi M#, Roesch F#. Identification of DAXX as a restriction factor of SARS-CoV-2 through a CRISPR/Cas9 screen. Nat Commun. 2022, 13(1):2442.
– Martin MF, Maarifi G, Abiven H, Seffals M, Mouchet N, Beck C, Bodet C, Lévèque N, Arhel NJ, Blanchet FP, Simonin Y, Nisole S. Usutu Virus escapes langerin-induced restriction to productively infect human Langerhans cells, unlike West Nile virus. Emerg Microbes Infect. 2022, 11(1):761-774.
– Chamontin C, Bossis G, Nisole S, Arhel NJ, Maarifi G. Regulation of viral restriction by post-translational modifications. Viruses. 2021, 13: 2197.
– Bekaddour N, Smith N, Beitz B, Llibre A, Dott T, Baudry A, Korganow AS, Nisole S, Mouy R, Breton S, Bader-Meunier B, Duffy D, Terrier B, Schneider B, Quartier P, Rodero M, Herbeuval JP. Targeting the chemokine receptor CXCR4 with histamine analogue to reduce inflammation in juvenile arthritis: a proof of concept for COVID-19 therapeutic approach. BioRxiv, 2021.10.24.465080.
– Sonigo P, Petit C, Arhel NJ. Faut-il vacciner contre la détection par PCR ou contre la maladie Covid-19 ? Virologie. 2021 Oct 12.
– Martin MF, Maarifi G, Abiven H, Seffals M, Mouchet N, Beck C, Bodet C, Lévêque N, Arhel NJ, Blanchet FP, Simonin Y, Nisole S. Usutu virus uses langerin as a receptor to productively infect Langerhans cells more efficiently than West Nile virus. BioRxiv, 2021.08.17.456611.
– Arone C, Dibsy R, Inamdar K, Lyonnais S, Arhel NJ, Favard C, Muriaux D. Illuminating the nanoscopic world of viruses by fluorescence super-resolution microscopy. Virologie. 2021, 25(3):47-60.
– Maarifi G, Lagisquet J, Hertel Q, Bonaventure B, Chamontin C, Fuchs K, Moncorgé O, Tauziet M, Mombled M, Papin L, Molès JP, Bodet C, Lévèque N, Gross A, Arhel N, Nisole S, Van de Perre P, Goujon C, Blanchet FP. Alarmin S100A9 restricts retroviral infection by limiting reverse transcription in human dendritic cells. EMBO J. 2021, 40(16):e106540.
– Arhel NJ. An unprecedented interest for the human immunodeficiency virus capsid. Med Sci (Paris). 2021, 37(5):549-552.
– Mac Kain A, Maarifi G, Aicher SM, Arhel NJ, Baidaliuk A, Vallet T, Tran QD, Hardy A, Chazal M, Porrot F, OhAinle M, Carlson-Stevermer J, Oki J, Holden K, Simon-Loriere E, Bruel T, Schwartz O, Jouvenet N, Nisole S, Vignuzzi M, Roesch F. Identification of DAXX as a restriction factor of SARS-CoV-2 through a CRISPR/Cas9 screen. BioRxiv, 2021.05.06.442916.
– Gosselin-Grenet AS, Servan de Almeida R, Roumagnac P, Ayouba A, Simonin Y, Nisole S. Virus et chercheurs sous le soleil de Montpellier. Virologie. 2021, 25(S1):3-5.
– Rebendenne A, Valadão ALC, Tauziet M, Maarifi G, Bonaventure B, McKellar J, Planès R, Nisole S, Arnaud-Arnould M, Moncorgé O, Goujon C. SARS-CoV-2 triggers an MDA-5-dependent interferon response which is unable to control replication in lung epithelial cells. J Virol. 2021, JVI.02415-20.
– Fernandez J, Hassen-Khodja C, Georget V, Rose T, Jacob Y, Janin YL, Nisole S, Vidalain PO, Arhel NJ. Measuring the subcellular compartmentalization of viral infections by protein complementation assay. PNAS 2021, 118(2):e2010524118.
– Volcic M, Sparrer KMJ, Koepke L, Hotter D, Sauter D, Stürzel CM, Scherer M, Stamminger T, Hofmann TG, Arhel NJ, Wiesmüller L, Kirchhoff F. Vpu modulates DNA repair to suppress innate sensing and hyper-integration of HIV-1. Nat Microbiol. 2020, 5(10):1247-1261.
– Arhel NJ. Early HIV replication revisited. Nat Microbiol. 2020, 5(9):1065-1066.
– Clé M, Desmetz C, Barthelemy J, Martin MF, Constant O, Maarifi G, Foulongne V, Bolloré K, Glasson Y, De Bock F, Blaquiere M, Dehouck L, Pirot N, Tuaillon E, Nisole S, Najioullah F, Van de Perre P, Cabié A, Marchi N, Gosselet F, Simonin Y, Salinas S. Zika Virus Infection Promotes Local Inflammation, Cell Adhesion Molecule Upregulation, and Leukocyte Recruitment at the Blood-Brain Barrier. mBio. 2020, 11(4):e01183-20.
– Sa Ribero M, Jouvenet N, Dreux M, Nisole S. Interplay between SARS-CoV-2 and the type I interferon response. PLoS Pathog. 2020, 16(7):e1008737.
– Nisole S, Saulnier A, Gatignol A. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2): Should we target the virus, the cell or the disease? Virologie. 2020, 24(3):135-141.
– Maillet S, Fernandez J, Decourcelle M, El Koulali K, Blanchet FP, Arhel NJ, Maarifi G, Nisole S. Daxx inhibits HIV-1 reverse transcription and uncoating in a SUMO-dependent manner. Viruses. 2020, 12(6):E636.
– Burette M, Allombert J, Lambou K, Maarifi G, Nisole S, Di Russo Case E, Blanchet FP, Hassen-Khodja C, Cabantous S, Samuel J, Martinez E, Bonazzi M. Modulation of innate immune signaling by a Coxiella burnetii eukaryotic-like effector protein. PNAS 2020, 117(24):13708-13718.
– Fernandez J, Arhel NJ. HIV capsid and productive infection: taking steps in the right direction. Virologie. 2020, 24(2):88-98.
– Maarifi G, Czubala MA, Lagisquet J, Ivory MO, Fuchs K, Papin L, Birchall JC, Nisole S, Piguet V, Blanchet FP. Langerin (CD207) represents a novel interferon-stimulated gene in Langerhans cells. Cell Mol Immunol. 2020, 17(5):547-549.
– Martin MF, Nisole S. West Nile Virus restriction in mosquito and human cells: A virus under confinement. Vaccines. 2020, 8(2):E256.
– Maarifi G, Smith N, Nisole S. Interferon response: with great power comes great responsibility? Med Sci. 2020, 36(3):206-209.
– Hayek S, Pietrancosta N, Hovhannisyan AA, Alves de Sousa R, Bekaddour N, Ermellino L, Tramontano E, Arnould S, Sardet C, Dairou J, Diaz O, Lotteau V, Nisole S, Melikyan G, Herbeuval JP, Vidalain PO. Cerpegin-derived furo[3,4-c]pyridine-3,4(1H,5H)-diones enhance cellular response to interferons by de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis inhibition. Eur J Med Chem. 2020, 186:111855.
– Fernandez J, Arhel NJ. Transportin-1 orchestrates HIV-1 uncoating and nuclear entry. Med Sci. 2020, 36(3):203-206.
– Salinas S, Simonin Y, L’Ambert G, Nisole S. Autochthonous cases of Zika virus in metropolitan France: a new paradigm for this arbovirus? Virologie. 2019, 23(6):329-332.
– Maarifi G, Smith N, Maillet S, Moncorgé O, Chamontin C, Edouard J, Sohm F, Blanchet FP, Herbeuval JP, Lutfalla G, Levraud JP, Arhel NJ, Nisole S. TRIM8 is required for virus-induced IFN response in human plasmacytoid dendritic cells. Sci Adv. 2019, 5(11):eaax3511.
– Fernandez J, Machado AK, Lyonnais S, Chamontin C, Gärtner K, Léger T, Henriquet C, Garcia C, Portilho DM, Pugnière M, Chaloin L, Muriaux D, Yamauchi Y, Blaise M, Nisole S, Arhel NJ. Transportin-1 binds to the HIV-1 capsid via a nuclear localization signal and triggers uncoating. Nat Microbiol. 2019 4(11):1840-1850.
– Smith N, Rodero MP, Bekaddour N, Bondet V, Ruiz-Blanco YB, Harms M, Mayer B, Badder-Meunier B, Quartier P, Bodemer C, Baudouin V, Dieudonné Y, Kirchhoff F, Garcia ES, Charbit B, Leboulanger N, Jahrsdörfer B, Richard Y, Korganow AS, Münch J, Nisole S, Duffy D and Herbeuval JP. Control of TLR7-mediated type I IFN signaling in pDCs through CXCR4 engagement—A new target for lupus treatment. Science Advances. 2019, 5(7):eaav9019.
– Hayek S, Bekaddour N, Besson L, Alves de Sousa R, Pietrancosta N, Viel S, Smith N, Jacob Y, Nisole S, Mandal R, Wishart DS, Walzer T, Herbeuval JP, Vidalain PO. Identification of primary natural killer cell modulators by chemical library screening with a luciferase based functional assay. SLAS Discovery. 2019, 24(1):25-37.
– Nisole S, Fernandez J, Maarifi G, Arhel NJ. SUMO regulates the capacity of TRIM5α to inhibit HIV-1. Med Sci. 2019, 35(2):106-109.
– Maarifi G, Fernandez J, Portilho DM, Boulay A, Dutrieux J, Oddos S, Butler-Browne G, Nisole S, Arhel NJ. RanBP2 regulates the anti-retroviral activity of TRIM5α by SUMOylation at a predicted phosphorylated SUMOylation motif. Commun Biol. 2018, 1:193.
– Nisole S. Usutu, that which does not kill us makes us stronger. Virologie. 2018, 22(5):231-2.
– Lucas-Hourani M, Dauzonne D, Mulier-Lehmann H, Khiar S, Nisole S, Dairou J, Helynck O, Afonso P, Tangy F, Vidalain PO. An original chemical series of pyrimidine biosynthesis inhibitors that boost the antiviral interferon response. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 2017, 61(10): e00383-17.
– Khiar S, Lucas-Hourani M, Nisole S, Smith N, Helynck O, Bourgine M, Ruffié C, Herbeuval JP, Munier-Lehmann H, Tangy F, Vidalain PO. Identification of a small molecule that primes the type I interferon response to cytosolic DNA. Sci Rep. 2017, 7(1):2561.
– Smith N, Pietrancosta N, Davidson S, Dutrieux J, Chauveau L, Cutolo P, Dy M, Scott-Algara D, Manoury B, Zirafi O, McCort-Tranchepain I, Durroux T, Bachelerie F, Schwartz O, Münch J, Wack A, Nisole S, Herbeuval JP. Natural amines inhibit activation of human plasmacytoid dendritic cells through CXCR4 engagement. Nat Commun. 2017, 8:14253.
– Smith N, Vidalain PO, Nisole S, Herbeuval JP. An efficient method for gene silencing in human primary plasmacytoid dendritic cells: silencing of the TLR7/IRF 7 pathway as a proof of concept. Sci Rep. 2016, 6:29891.
– Maarifi G, Hannoun Z, Geoffroy MC, El Asmi F, Zarrouk K, Nisole S, Blondel D, Chelbi-Alix M. MxA mediates SUMO-induced resistance to Vesicular Stomatitis Virus. J Virol. 2016, 90(14):6598-610.
– Portilho DM, Fernandez J, Ringeard M, Machado AK, Boulay A, Mayer M, Müller-Trutwin M, Beignon AS, Kirchhoff F, Nisole S, Arhel NJ. Endogenous TRIM5α function is regulated by SUMOylation and nuclear sequestration for efficient innate sensing in dendritic cells. Cell Reports. 2016, 14(2):355-69.
– Portilho DM, Persson R, Arhel N. Role of non-motile microtubule-associated proteins in virus trafficking. Biomol Concepts. 2016, 7(5-6):283-292.
– Maillet S, Nisole S. Daxx, a broad-spectrum viral restriction factor. Virologie, 2016, 20(5):261-72.
– Maarifi G, Dianoux L, Nisole S, Chelbi-Alix MK. SUMO paralogs and interferon response. Med Sci. 2016, 32(2):141-3.
– Dutrieux J, Maarifi G, Portilho DM, Arhel NJ, Chelbi-Alix MK, Nisole S. PML/TRIM19-dependent inhibition of retroviral reverse-transcription by Daxx. PLoS Pathog. 2015, 11(11):e1005280.
– Fernandez J, Portilho DM, Danckaert A, Munier S, Becker A, Roux P, Zambo A, Shorte S, Jacob Y, Vidalain PO, Charneau P, Clavel F, Arhel NJ. Microtubule-associated proteins 1 (MAP1) promote human immunodeficiency virus type I (HIV-1) intracytoplasmic routing to the nucleus. J Biol Chem. 2015, 290(8):4631-46.
– Maarifi G, Maroui MA, Dutrieux J, Dianoux L, Nisole S, Chelbi-Alix MK. SUMO promotes resistance to interferon. J Immunol. 2015, 195(5):2312-24.
– Dutrieux J, Portilho DM, Arhel NJ, Hazan U, Nisole S. TRIM5α is a SUMO substrate. Retrovirology. 2015, 12:28.
– Brantis-de-Carvalho CE, Maarifi G, Gonçalves Boldrin PE, Zanelli CF, Nisole S, Chelbi-Alix MK, Valentini SR. MxA interacts with and is modified by the SUMOylation machinery. Exp Cell Res. 2015, 330(1):151-63.
– Kotera N, Dubost E, Milanole G, Doris E, Gravel E, Arhel N, Brotin T, Dutasta JP, Cochrane J, Mari E, Boutin C, Léonce E, Berthault P, Rousseau B. A doubly responsive probe for the detection of Cys4-tagged proteins. Chem Commun. 2015, 51(57):11482-4.
– Blondel D, Maarifi G, Nisole S, Chelbi-Alix M. Resistance to Rhabdoviridae Infection and Subversion of Antiviral Responses. Viruses. 2015, 7:3675-702.