
PhD student


Players in the Pathogenesis of Retroviral Infections


email : charlotte.silvestre[at]irim.cnrs.fr

Tél : 04 34 35 94 41


After completing her studies in Pharmacy and the Master 2 Microorganism-Host-Environment Interactions in Montpellier, Charlotte joined us in 2020 to complete her thesis in Virology and Immunology. With a thesis grant, obtained from the University Hospital Federation Chronic Infections (FHU-InCh), she is working in collaboration with the University Hospital of Montpellier, under the supervision of Alain Makinson (MCU-PH) and Antoine Gross (CRCN) on the clinical and immunological aspects of ASP, the HIV-1 antisense protein.


Teaching responsabilities in the University of Montpellier in cell biology and microbiology (since 2021)

Supervision of a pair of students in the framework of the “Apprentice Researchers”, project initiated by the association L’Arbre des Connaissances.