
PhD student


Players in the Pathogenesis of the Retroviral Infections

Bacterial enzymes and antibiotic resistance


email : laetitia.marty[at]irim.cnrs.fr

Tél : 04 34 35 94 41

Mini Bio

Laetitia is graduated of the Master in Health Biology, “Microbiology Immunology course”, from the University of Montpellier. During this training, she completed an internship within the APIR team on the project “Development of new agents for lifting HIV latency” directed by Bruno Beaumelle.

Laetitia was then recruited in September 2021, as an engineer, to continue her master’s project but also to study the packaging mechanisms of the Tat protein of HIV-1.

In december 2022, she started a PhD under the supervision of J.-M. Péloponese and L. Chaloin