
CNRS Research assistant


Membrane Dynamics & Viruses (MDV)


After a professional degree in biotechnology at the University of Cergy Pontoise, Solène was recruited as an assistant engineer at CNRS in 2010, in Thierry Heidmann’s unit at the Institut Gustave Roussy in Villejuif to work on retroviral envelopes of human endogenous viruses. In 2013, she joined François Darchen’s team at Paris Descartes University, where she obtained the EPHE diploma by developing an optogenetic tool capable of activating the mTORC1 complex in the absence of amino acids and growth factors in primary hippocampal neurons. Two years later, she began a thesis directed by Bruno Gasnier at the Saints-Peres Paris Institute for the Neurosciences (SPPIN). She obtained her PhD in Cell Biology in December 2023, studying the role of the lysosomal transporter PQLC2 in the development of primary hippocampal neurons KO for this transporter and also in the embryonic development of a PQLC2-deficient mouse model. She joined Raphael Gaudin’s team at IRIM (Montpellier) in January 2023, where she studies coronaviruses in brain organoids and cellular models.


Email: solene.lebrun(AT)irim.cnrs.fr

Phone: (+33) 04 34 35 94 78