IRIM is proud to announce a joint publication between philosophers and IRIM virologists

In an article published in the journal “Viruses”, Nathalie Chazal, in collaboration with Roger Miller, discusses the leading role played by virology, and more particularly retrovirology, in the major breakthroughs in molecular biology and oncology, from its origin to the puzzling discovery of antisense genes and proteins in HTLV-1 and HIV-1.

In interaction with Alexis Zimmer from the University of Strasbourg and Gilles Moutot from the Faculty of Medicine of Montpellier, she insists on the necessary dialogue between biologists and philosophers which must be, or become again, a priority for the benefit of knowledge, particularly in the field of virology which has produced since the end of the 19th century a great deal of new knowledge. The purpose of this dialogue is not to dispel discomfort, but to settle into it and make it work. This means, at least as much as producing theoretical content on this or that subject, questioning, and no doubt displacing, modifying, a certain number of categories of thought.

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