Research Assistant CNRS
Cellular and Molecular Biology of Bacterial Infections
email : Franck.cantet[at]irim.cnrs.fr
Tél : 04 34 35 94 60
Häuslein I, Cantet F, Reschke S, Chen F, Bonazzi M, Eisenreich W. Multiple Substrate Usage of Coxiella burnetii to Feed a Bipartite Metabolic Network. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2017 Jun 29;7:285. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2017.00285. eCollection 2017.
Martinez E, Allombert J, Cantet F, Lakhani A, Yandrapalli N, Neyret A, Norville IH, Favard C, Muriaux D, Bonazzi M. Coxiella burnetii effector CvpB modulates phosphoinositide metabolism for optimal vacuole development. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 Jun 7;113(23):E3260-9. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1522811113. Epub 2016 May 25.
Martinez E, Cantet F, Bonazzi M. Generation and multi-phenotypic high-content screening of Coxiella burnetii transposon mutants. J Vis Exp. 2015 May 13;(99):e52851. doi: 10.3791/52851.
Martinez E, Cantet F, Fava L, Norville I, Bonazzi M. Identification of OmpA, a Coxiella burnetii protein involved in host cell invasion, by multi-phenotypic high-content screening. PLoS Pathog. 2014 Mar 20;10(3):e1004013. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1004013. eCollection 2014 Mar.